Cast21 Makes Waves

Illinois Ventures portfolio company Cast 21 was featured in a New York Post video. The video highlights the company’s futuristic technology and user-friendly design.

“Kids might actually like wearing this cast. Check out the futuristic sleeve, designed by American startup Cast21, that patients can take into the bath or ocean,” notes The New York Post. “Unlike traditional plaster or fiberglass casts, this sci-fi-worthy design doesn't need a circular saw to remove it.”

Cast21 has created a waterproof, breathable cast. Unlike traditional casts, the Cast21 has an open lattice design (inspired by a Chinese finger trap) that allows the wearer to wash and scratch the skin below the molding. The cast is made of a medalist thermoplastic elastomer, a waterproof material that is comfortable on skin and easy to work with in manufacturing, that is molded to the patient’s arm using a patent-pending tubing system. Eventually, it could be used with low-voltage electrical stimulation, which can help mend bones faster, particularly in difficult-to-heal fractures, as well as retain muscle volume.

Click here to learn more about Cast21. Click here to view the video.

Illinois Ventures